Give your furniture a second life

Give your furniture a second life.

When you get bored with the decor of your living room, you find it obsolete or out of date, or when your comfortable bed simply ceases to fulfill its main function, you decide to buy a new piece of furniture, replacement of the current one, without even thinking for a moment, what fate awaits your well-worn sofa.

Let's not get rid of old items without a second thought. We will only contribute to increasing the already existing garbage heap. Smoking? Falling off! This is a very dangerous method. When burning an example table, lacquer, which has been covering the material so far, which the piece of furniture was made of, releases hazardous substances, tj.: nitrogen oxides, heavy metal compounds, hydrochlorides, which significantly affect neoplastic changes in the body.

The home method of recycling is simply to change their use. The old cabinet can now be used as a stool! We will then get a new one, an extraordinary example of an original piece of furniture, and subjected to minor renovation, they can gain a look that matches the general idea of ​​the interior of the room. When we want to refresh the furniture on our own, we have to remember, using paints and varnishes for these purposes, which have a small amount of volatile compounds.

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